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For Those Areas that Exercise Just Won’t Reach

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Complete Your Health and Fitness Journey With Liposuction

It’s a sad fact of the human body — some people don’t burn fat as easily as others, and some areas are just harder to burn fat from. The hips, thighs, bra rolls, and upper arms are just a few areas that come to mind for most as problematic, hard to reach areas. However, liposuction from New You can be the complement you need to finish the figure you’ve been working towards.


Reduce Fat

Liposuction can help remove excess fat from those stubborn areas of your body!


Improve Contours

Liposuction can help improve the contours of your body to give you that hourglass shape.


Boost Self-Confidence

Liposuction can help boost your self-confidence by helping you feel better about your body.

Topping Off Your Health and Fitness Journey With Liposuction



At New You, we provide surgical body contouring services that help make our patients look and feel better. Our main priorities in all our surgical services are safety and a successful procedure, which is partly why we suggest liposuction as a great way to take a final, major step towards the body you want.


The Problem Areas Where Liposuction Can Help

Liposuction is a viable option to remove excess or unwanted fat from almost any part of your body, however, larger areas involve more risky surgeries, so we try to make sure our patients are making other strides in their health and wellness before undergoing extensive liposuction. Liposuction is a great way to target specific areas that are diet and exercise resistant. Liposuction a great way to target, refine and sculpt stubborn body areas. There’s nothing that makes us happier than eliminating fat to help a person culminate their journey to a better-looking body.


Midsection — Abdomen, Waist, and Hips

The midsection is one of the first areas you should start to see reduce in size once you start eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, but there are still problem areas within the midsection that can linger even when you’re in otherwise great physical shape. The “pooch” just below your belly button or the “love-handles” at your side can be easily shaped and reduced with liposuction.


Back and Bra Rolls

Sometimes fat gets concentrated in sections of the back or upper chest. Being areas with relatively lower muscle-mass and dexterity than other sections of the body, fatty rolls can be extremely hard to get rid of. Liposuction for these areas is a good way to fully realize your bikini body dreams or to help get your back to a level of toning that matches areas responsive to diet and exercise.


Thighs, Knees, and Arms

Thigh, knee, and arm fat are areas where those who have struggled with weight for a long time may find some of the most difficulty in reducing this diet resistant fat. Liposuction of these areas are commonly used to complete someone’s transformation journey.

Your face is the first thing people notice about you. Having a youthful appearance will help you feel more attractive, inviting, and presentable. You can target multiple areas of the face at once  (2).png


Your face is the first thing people notice about you. Having a youthful appearance will help you feel more attractive, inviting, and presentable. You can target multiple areas of the face at once with face Vaser liposuction to achieve your desired results in just one procedure. While some people naturally have a chiseled face or easily lose fat through diet and exercise, some people may have more difficulty achieving their ideal facial contour. Some people hold more weight in the face, making it difficult to achieve a slimmer look. While others, may hold fat pockets in their face due to genetics, which diet and exercise may not help.

As we age, gravity takes its toll and we begin to see extra fat in the lower face, along the jawline, chin, and neck. You may start to notice your face maybe becoming more rounded, sagging, or tired.

Neck and lower jaw fat deposits are sign of aging that Vaser liposuction can treat to achieve a slim-looking facial appearance. If you have sagging skin in addition to fat deposits of the neck, ask Dr. Perez what surgical or non-surgical procedures can be combined to rejuvenate your facial appearance. There are many different treatment options for achieving a more contoured face depending on what your concerns are, what specific results you want, and how invasive you do or do not want the treatment to be. If your main goal is to achieve a slimmer, more contoured-looking face through fat loss, facial liposuction is an excellent treatment option.


What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses liposuction to target specific areas of the body. A small incision will be made in your skin and then a cannula (a tube with its end shaped like an ellipse) will be inserted into the fat cells. The suction helps remove excess fat which can help improve your body contours. Typically, liposuction can reduce fat by roughly 20%.

Benefits of liposuction include reducing fat, improving contours, and boosting self-confidence. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves liposuction to target specific areas of the body such as the abdomen or thighs. The suction helps remove excess fat which can improve your body's contour. To learn more about liposuction benefits, please schedule a consultation with our liposuction team at New You!

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Good candidates for liposuction are those who are in good health and have excess fat deposits in specific areas of their body that they would like to remove. If you are considering liposuction, it is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your options.

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What Results Can You Expect After Liposuction?

You can expect to see a reduction in the size of the treated area. You may also notice an improvement in your body contours and an overall boost in your self-confidence. It is important to remember that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, it is a cosmetic surgery meant to improve certain areas of the body.

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Ready to learn more about a liposuction procedure and how it can help you reduce excess fat in those stubborn areas? Contact New You in California and Washington to schedule a consultation with our team today!

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