Before and After - Abdominoplasty

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Choose the Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Tacoma, WA

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Before and After - Abdominoplasty

It’s possible to feel at your absolute best no matter the season, and no matter what clothes you’re wearing! It’s common for the stomach to be an area of insecurity or dislike in patients, but New You Med Spa in Tacoma, WA, is here to change all that with different types of tummy tucks. New You is proud to introduce our specialized tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, which is aimed at enhancing your abdominal profile and boosting your self-confidence. Learn more about what to expect from this treatment and contact us to book your consultation!

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What is Abdominoplasty and its Targeted Area?

Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that focuses on improving the appearance of the abdomen. This procedure, designed for both men and women, is typically performed on the lower abdomen, specifically targeting the area below the navel and above the pubic bone. The best tummy tuck surgeons provide this type of treatment to remove excess skin and fat while tightening the abdominal muscles, resulting in a firmer and more toned appearance.

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Exploring Different Types of Tummy Tucks

There are three common types of tummy tucks surgery designed to cater to different needs and preferences of clients. New You Med Spa and our best tummy tuck surgeons can help you navigate which of these options is best for the results you’re looking for:

  • Traditional: Traditional tummy tucks involve a comprehensive approach to address excess skin and fat on the entire abdominal area. As mentioned above, this procedure is typically focused between the navel and pubic bone and includes a general tightening of the area.

  • Mini: Mini tummy tucks focus on the lower abdomen below the navel, making them an ideal choice for individuals with minimal excess skin and fat in that specific area. This can be thought of as a mini, less-invasive version of traditional abdominoplasty.

  • Drainless: Drainless tummy tucks, on the other hand, utilize advanced techniques to minimize fluid buildup post-surgery, reducing the need for drains for some patients. This means patients receive the same results but less discomfort and faster recovery.

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Abdominoplasty vs. Liposuction: What’s the Difference?

One key difference between abdominoplasty and liposuction is the comprehensive approach of the former. While liposuction primarily focuses on fat removal, abdominoplasty goes a step further by addressing loose skin and weakened muscles in addition to excess fat. By combining skin and muscle tightening with fat removal, our Tacoma tummy tuck surgery provides a more holistic solution to achieve a sculpted midsection.

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Top Benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty from New You Med Spa can help achieve a flatter and firmer abdomen and it is particularly beneficial for those who have undergone significant weight loss or pregnancy. By addressing loose skin, excess fat, and weakened muscles, tummy tuck surgery enhances body confidence and overall self-esteem. This procedure can also help address stretch marks and other aesthetic concerns in the abdominal region, contributing to a more harmonious body contour that you’ve been looking for. Patients may also experience:

  • The confidence to wear the clothes they want to without feeling self-conscious

  • A strengthened core and better flexibility

  • Reduced chances of hernias

  • Better control over bodily function after pregnancy

Possible Downsides of Choosing Abdominoplasty

As with any surgical procedure, abdominoplasty carries potential risks and downsides. These may include risks commonly associated with surgery, such as:

Infection | Scarring | Prolonged Healing | Bleeding

Tummy tuck patients may experience temporary numbness, swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area during the recovery period. This is why it’s essential for anyone considering a tummy tuck to be well-informed about these potential complications and to follow post-operative care instructions diligently to minimize risks and promote optimal healing. Contact the best tummy tuck surgeons at New You to learn more about what you can expect after abdominoplasty and if you are a good candidate!

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Recovery & Expectations After Tummy Tucks

Recovery time for abdominoplasty can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing factors. In general, patients can expect a few weeks of downtime following abdominoplasty. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from strenuous activities and adhere to post-operative guidelines provided by Dr. Perez and the New You team. While swelling and bruising are common during the initial stages of recovery after a tummy tuck, these symptoms should gradually diminish as the body heals, revealing the desired outcome of a flatter and firmer abdomen.

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What to Know Before Choosing Abdominoplasty

Before opting for abdominoplasty, it is crucial to undergo a comprehensive consultation with the best tummy tuck surgeons to discuss expectations, potential risks, and realistic outcomes. Patients should have a clear understanding of the procedure, including pre-operative preparation, post-operative care requirements, and the anticipated results. It’s also important to maintain good overall health, including a stable weight, before and after tummy tucks to optimize outcomes and reduce potential complications.

Consult Our New You Team Now

New You is committed to providing a supportive and transformative experience for our clients, ensuring that each individual receives personalized care and achieves their long-term aesthetic goals. Let us be part of your journey! Contact us to learn more about the before and after processes for abdominoplasty and to see if this is a procedure you should take advantage of.